Saturday, July 19, 2008
Load the Web Application
Dim SampleUrl =
SystemUtil. Run SampleUrl
If (Browser(“title:=Automation Testing, QTP”).Exist(0)) Then
SampleUrl = True
Reporter.reportevent micPass” Page is loaded”
SampleUrl = False
Reporter.reportevent micPass” Page is not loaded”
End if
End Function
Testing Automation Life Cycle
The following activities will be carried out during the preparation.
· Project kick off
· Prepare Execution Plan
· Identify the core team
· Identify key business and division representations
· Core Team will develop processes in coordination with the division representatives.
Design & Development:
The following activities will be carried out during the design of the Test Automation framework.
· Develop Test Automation framework plan
· Set up Infrastructure – Hardware, Software & Tools
· Define the components of the Repository
· Develop the Framework
· Devise a training plan for Divisions about the repository
The implementation activities are
· Implement the project using the test automation framework
Function for RowValid,ObjectExist,ColumnValid and SetTextValue
Public function ObjectExist ( objExpected )
boolnObjExist = false
if (objExpected.Exist) Then
boolnObjExist = True
End if
IsObjectExist = boolnObjExist
End function
'Function RowValid
Public function RowValid ( objTable, intRowNumber )
boolnRowValid = false
intTblRows = CInt(objTable.GetROProperty("rows"))
intRowNumber = CInt(intRowNumber)
if ((intRowNumber > -1) and (intRowNumber < intTblRows)) Then
boolnRowValid = True
End if
IsRowValid = boolnRowValid
End function
Function ColumnValid
Public function ColumnValid ( objTable, intColumnNumber )
boolnColnValid = false
intTblCols = CInt(objTable.GetROProperty("cols"))
intColumnNumber = CInt(intColumnNumber)
If ((intColumnNumber > -1) and (intColumnNumber < intTblCols)) Then
boolnColnValid = True
End if
IsColumnValid = boolnColnValid
End function
Function SetTextValue
Public function SetTextValue ( objEdit,strData )
boolSuccess = True
on Error Resume Next
objEdit.Object.setText strData
If Err.Number <> 0 then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "General Java Functions: SetTextValue" , Err.Description
boolSuccess = false
End if
SetTextValue = boolSuccess
End function
Basic Object Functions
These are very basic functions and can be called on any common standard GUI Object. Commonly used in automation for verifying a value, verifying an object is enabled or disabled, checking whether the object exists and getting value of an object can be classified in to Basic Object function category.
1) VerifyEnabled: To verify an object is enabled.
2) VerifyDisabled: To verify an object is disabled.
3) IsObjectExist: To find out whether the object exists
4) VerifyValue: To verify a expected value
5) GetValue: To get an object value
Function Verify Enabled
Public Function VerifyEnabled (obj)
Dim enable_property
enable_property = obj.GetROProperty("enabled")
If enable_property <> 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "VerifyEnabled Succeeded", "The test object is enabled"
VerifyEnabled = True
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "VerifyEnabled Failed", "The test object is NOT enabled"
VerifyEnabled = False
End If
End Function
Function VerifyDisabled
Public Function VerifyDisabled (obj)
Dim enable_property
enable_property = obj.GetROProperty("disabled")
If enable_property = 0 Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "VerifyDisabled Succeeded", "The test object is enabled"
VerifyDisabled = True
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "VerifyDisabled Failed", "The test object is NOT enabled"
VerifyDisabled = False
End If
End Function
Function Exist Object
Public Function ObjectExist(Obj)
Dim ObjectVisible
ObjectVisible = obj.Exsit
If (ObjectVisible = 0) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Object Visible ", "Succeeded"
ObjectVisible = True
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Object is not Visible ", "Not Succeeded"
ObjectVisible = False
End if
End Function
Automation Approach
The Generic functional libraries can be classified in to
Basic Object Functions: These are the functions that can be called on many different test objects. These functions are common for standard objects.
Language Specific Functions: These are the functions that can be called on the test object specific to AUT development language. There can be a set of functions for each application development language. For Ex: Set of functions for test objects of Java, another set of functions for .NET, VB, etc.
Utility Functions: The utility functions include the string manipulation functions, array manipulation, file handling functions etc. These functions are useful to manipulate input / output data in the test scripts.
Database functions: The database functions are for executing the database queries from the test scripts.
Reporting or Logging functions: The logging functions are helpful for logging any debug / information messages / variable output to either to text file or to a QTP report file. The Reporting functions are to report the results of the test, Pass, Fail, warning and error.