Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Forget / Reset the QC Password

Reset the QC Password:-

Your can reset the password in quality center for following approach
Note:- verify the user profile has the rights to reset the password
- Logon to Quality center
- Click ‘Tools-->Customize’

- Click ‘User Properties-->change password’ button

- Enter the old password and new password and click ‘Save’ changes

Forget Password:-
User can request the forget password
- load the QC Url
- click ‘Forget Password’
- QC admin will trigger the mail or notification to users for the password

Starting Quality Center

User can lunch the QC on your machine from the Web browser

- Type and load the QC URL like (http:// <:Port>/Qcbin

- Click ‘Quality Center’ Link,

• First time user require Admin rights for install the .net framework and Add-in
• Automatically find and install the .net framework for that machine
- If user assigns any project, then you will get intimation about the username and password
- Enter the Username/Password, then assigned domain/project name select from the list

- Click on ‘Login’ button
- QC Loaded successfully