Describe Result :-
Return the text description of the error message
oBjError = getlasterror
Msgbox (describeresult(oBjError))
ExecuteFile :-
User can call the following format using “ExecuteFile”command in the script level .vbs .txt and .qfl
ExecuteFile “FileLocation & file Name”
Note:- Execute file can also call files which is attached in QC also
ExecuteFile ("[QualityCenter] Subject\FileName.vbs")
Exit Action :-
User can call the action based on the function flow or requirement; in meanwhile like to stop the execution of the action we can also use the Exit Action command
If RunStatus = “Y” then
Call Runaction "vinodh", "oneIteration"
Exit Action (return Value)
End if
Note:- Return Value populated in the Test result in Quick Test
ExitActionIteration :-
It’s will stop iteration of the function flow
Code :-
If CITY = “USA” then
Call Runaction "vinodh", "oneIteration"
ExitActionIteration(return Value)
End if
Note:- Return Value populated in the Test result in Quick Test
ExitComponent :-
Function used for BPT Testing, exit for the current component run
If res = False Then
ExitComponent (return Value)
End If
Note:- Return Value populated in the Test result in Quick Test
ExitComponentIteration :-
Function used for BPT Testing, exit for the current iteration
If res = False Then
ExitComponentIteration(return Value)
End If
Note:- Return Value populated in the Test result in Quick Test
ExitTestIteration :-
Exit current iteration of the Quick Test, Quality centre and BPT component also
If res = False Then
ExitTestIteration (return Value)
End If
Note:- Return Value populated in the Test result in Quick Test
Invoke the executable application like exe file
InvokeApplication "E:\Program Files\Microsoft Internet\IEXPLORE.EXE"
Load the specific action when user require to run the action
Code :-
If CITY = “USA” then
LoadAndRunAction (“Path”,”ActionName”,”Iteration”)
Exit test
End if
Print :-
Display the runtime value from the application
Print "VariableName"
Return the text description of the error message
oBjError = getlasterror
Msgbox (describeresult(oBjError))
ExecuteFile :-
User can call the following format using “ExecuteFile”command in the script level .vbs .txt and .qfl
ExecuteFile “FileLocation & file Name”
Note:- Execute file can also call files which is attached in QC also
ExecuteFile ("[QualityCenter] Subject\FileName.vbs")
Exit Action :-
User can call the action based on the function flow or requirement; in meanwhile like to stop the execution of the action we can also use the Exit Action command
If RunStatus = “Y” then
Call Runaction "vinodh", "oneIteration"
Exit Action (return Value)
End if
Note:- Return Value populated in the Test result in Quick Test
ExitActionIteration :-
It’s will stop iteration of the function flow
Code :-
If CITY = “USA” then
Call Runaction "vinodh", "oneIteration"
ExitActionIteration(return Value)
End if
Note:- Return Value populated in the Test result in Quick Test
ExitComponent :-
Function used for BPT Testing, exit for the current component run
If res = False Then
ExitComponent (return Value)
End If
Note:- Return Value populated in the Test result in Quick Test
ExitComponentIteration :-
Function used for BPT Testing, exit for the current iteration
If res = False Then
ExitComponentIteration(return Value)
End If
Note:- Return Value populated in the Test result in Quick Test
ExitTestIteration :-
Exit current iteration of the Quick Test, Quality centre and BPT component also
If res = False Then
ExitTestIteration (return Value)
End If
Note:- Return Value populated in the Test result in Quick Test
Invoke the executable application like exe file
InvokeApplication "E:\Program Files\Microsoft Internet\IEXPLORE.EXE"
Load the specific action when user require to run the action
Code :-
If CITY = “USA” then
LoadAndRunAction (“Path”,”ActionName”,”Iteration”)
Exit test
End if
Print :-
Display the runtime value from the application
Print "VariableName"