Thursday, June 3, 2010

Program to find subtype of a variable

Dim MyValue, MyVal, MyReturn
MyValue = "Welocme To All"
MyReturn = TypeName(MyVal)
MsgBox MyReturn
MyReturn = TypeName(MyValue)
MsgBox MyReturn

Difference between Fix and Int

Dim MyValue, MyVal, MyReturn
MyVal = -9874.43875
MyReturn = Fix(MyVal)
MsgBox MyReturn
MyReturn1 = Int(MyVal)
MsgBox MyReturn1

Generate a Random Number

Dim MyString, MyReturn
MyReturn = 10
MyValue = Int((100 * Rnd) + 1)
MsgBox MyValue
If (MyValue = MyRetrun) Then
MsgBox " Equal"
MsgBox " Not Equal"
End If

Format Number to specified decimal places

Dim MyValue, MyReturn
MyValue = 93864934.0238923
MyReturn = Round(MyValue, 10)
MsgBox MyReturn
IF you were entered more Decimal value,System thru error message
MyValue = 93864934.0238923
MyReturn = Round(MyValue, 100)
MsgBox MyReturn

Find leap year

Dim MyYear
'MyYear = Year(Date)
MyYear = 2016
If (MyYear / 4 = MyYear \ 4) Then
MsgBox " Leap Year"
MsgBox "Not a Leap Year"
End If

Print current day of the week

Dim MyDate, MyReturn
MyDate = "January 11, 1981"
MyReturn = Weekday(MyDate, vbSunday)
MsgBox MyReturn
Dim MyDate, MyReturn
MyDate = Date
MsgBox MyDate
MyReturn = Weekday(MyDate, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek)
MsgBox MyReturn

Add time interval to a date

Dim MyDate, MyReturn
MyDate = "January 11, 1981"
MyReturn = DateAdd("YYYY", 29, MyDate)
MsgBox MyReturn

Find difference between two dates.

Dim MyDate, MyReturn
MyDate = "January 11, 1981"
MyCurDate = Date
MyReturn = DateDiff("YYYY", MyDate, MyCurDate)
MsgBox MyReturn

Display current date and Time

Dim MyDate, MyTime
MyDate = Date
MsgBox MyDate
MyTime = Time
MsgBox MyTime

Convert an expression to a date

Dim MyDate, MyReturn
MyDate = "January 11, 1981"
MyReturn = CDate(MyDate)
MsgBox MyReturn

Convert value into a currency

Dim MyValue, MyReturn
MyValue = 3583587
MyReturn = FormatCurrency(MyValue)
MsgBox MyReturn

Find whether a variable is an Array

Dim MyString As Variant, MyReturn As Variant
MyString = Array(10, 20, 30)
If (IsArray(MyString)) Then
MsgBox "True"
MsgBox "False"
End If

program to force the declaration of variables

Option Explicit
Dim MyString, MyReturn
MyString = " VBScript is fun! "
'MyReturn = Trim(MyString)
MsgBox MyReturn

Trim a given string

Dim MyString, MyReturn
MyString = " VBScript is fun! "
MyReturn = Trim(MyString)
MsgBox MyReturn
MyReturn2 = LTrim(MyString)
MsgBox MyReturn2
MyReturn1 = RTrim(MyString)

Write a program to reverse the words of a given string

Dim MyString, MyReturn
MyString = "VBScriptXisXfun!"
MyReturn = StrReverse(MyString)
MsgBox MyReturn

Find number of words in string

Dim MyString, MyReturn
MyString = "VBScriptXisXfun!"
MyReturn = Len(MyString)
MsgBox MyReturn

Verify whether given two strings are equal

Dim MyString1, MyString2
MyString1 = ("India")
MyString2 = ("India")
MyReturn = StrComp(MyString1, MyString2, vbTextCompare)
If (MyReturn = 1) Then
MsgBox MyReturn & " string1 is greater than string2"
ElseIf (MyReturn = 0) Then
MsgBox MyReturn & "string1 is equal to string2"
ElseIf (MyReturn = -1) Then
MsgBox MyReturn & "string1 is less than string2"
MsgBox MyReturn & "string1 or string2 is Null"
End If

Replace a word with another word

Dim MyString, MyInput, MyReturn
MyString = UCase("Welocme To India")
MyInput = UCase("ALL")
MyReturn = Replace(MyString, "INDIA", MyInput)
MsgBox MyReturn

Convert into Lower case

Dim MyString
MyString = LCase("Welocme To India")
MsgBox MyString

Convert string to Upper Case

Dim MyString
MyString = UCase("Welocme To India")
MsgBox MyString

Find whether given number is an odd number

If (a / 2 = a \ 2) Then
MsgBox a & "Even Number"
MsgBox a & "Add Number"
End If

Find occurrences of a specific character in a string

Dim MyString
MyString = "welcome"
MyReturn = Left(MyString, 1)
MsgBox MyReturn

Return the reverse a string or number

a = 987654321
b = StrReverse(a)
MsgBox b
Aa = "llA ot emoclew"
Bb = StrReverse(Aa)
MsgBox Bb

Find the length of a given string

a = 129463265
MsgBox (Len(a))

Arithmetic Operation on two given numbers

Dim a, b, c, result
a = 10
b = 2
result = a + b
MsgBox result
result = a - b
MsgBox result
result = a / b
MsgBox result
result = a * b
MsgBox result
result = a ^ b
MsgBox result

Print odd numbers between given range of numbers

For i = 0 To 100 Step 1
If (i / 2 = i \ 2) Then
MsgBox i & "Even Number"
MsgBox i & "Add Number"
End If

Return the no. of the character in a string or number

a = 444
b = Len(a)
MsgBox b

Program to Import an excel file to a Data table


Program to Read data from first parameter of Global sheet

Browser(Obj).Page(Obj).WebEdit(Obj).Select Cint(DataTable(“UserName”,”GlobalSheet”)

Write a program to Invoke the Browser with specified URL

systemutil.Run "iexplore.exe",

Write a program to find whether image contains tool tip

msgbox Browser(" - Search Jobs").Page("Google Image Result for").Image("See full size image").GetROProperty("alt")

Invoke the Browser with specified URL

Invokeapplication “C:\Programfiles\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE”

Write a program to Check given text is displayed on the web page

Const Val = "My Nakuri"
a = Browser(" - Search Jobs").GetROProperty("title")
If strcomp(a,Val,0) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Browser Title", "Is Equal"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Browser Title", "Is Not Equal"
End If

Verify page title is displayed correctly

Const Val = "My Nakuri"
a = Browser(" - Search Jobs").GetROProperty("title")
If strcomp(a,Val,0) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Browser Title", "Is Equal"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Browser Title", "Is Not Equal"
End If

Write a program to refresh a web page


Print URL displayed in the address bar

Furl = Browser(Obj).GetRoPerperty(“OpenURL”)
Msgbox Furl
a= Browser(" - Search Jobs").Page("My Naukri_3").Object.links
msgbox a
a= Browser(" - Search Jobs").Page("My Naukri_3").Object.url
msgbox a

Find image width and Height

fwid = Browser(Obj).Page(Obj).Image(Obj).GetRoPerperty(“Width”)
fhig = Browser(Obj).Page(Obj).Image(Obj).GetRoPerperty(“Height”)
msgbox Window("Flight Reservation").WinRadioButton("Business").GetROProperty("width")
msgbox Window("Flight Reservation").WinRadioButton("Business").GetROProperty("height")

Program to check whether given link exists

IF (Browser(Obj).Page(Obj).Link(Obj).Exists) then
Report.reportevent “Link Exists in the Page”
Report.reportevent “Link not Exists in the Page”
End if

Write a program to select all the Radio button

Set ODecButton = Description.Create()
ODecButton("Class Name").value = "WinRadioButton"
Set butcnt = Window("Flight Reservation").ChildObjects(ODecButton)
nobutcnt = butcnt.count()
msgbox nobutcnt
For i=0 to nobutcnt -1 step 1

Capture web button image

Browser(Obj).Page(Obj).Webbutton(Obj).Capturbitmap “C:\Test\Webbuttonimage.bmp”,True
window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("FLIGHT").CaptureBitmap "C:\buttonimage.bmp",True

Write a program to Capture Desktop Screen shot

‘ Minimize the all the window and will show desktop
SystemUtil.Run "C:\Documents and Settings\MDV\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Show Desktop.scf","","","open"

Check default selection in a list box

Comboval = window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly From:").GetItem(0)
If (comboval = null) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent 0,"Combo box"," have Default Value"
Reporter.ReportEvent 1,"Combo box"," Not Null "
End If

Program to check whether edit box is focused

IF ( Browser(Obj).Page(Obj).Webedit(Obj).Fireevent (“Onmouseover”) then
Msgbox “ Web edit is focused”
Msgbox “ Web edit is not focused”
End if
ChkEd = Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").GetROProperty("enabled","visiable")
IF(ChkEd = True) then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Agent Name Edit Button", "Object is Visiable and Enabled"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Agent Name Edit Button", " Object is not Visiable and Enabled"
End if

Program to check whether edit box is enabled or writable

MyString = Browser(Obj).Page(Obj).WebEdit(Obj).GetRoPerperty(“Visible)
IF (MyString = 1 or True) then
Msgbox & “ WedEdit is Visible: “ & Mystring
Msgbox & “ WedEdit is not visible: “ & Mystring
End if

Write a program to Read items on a desktop

‘ Minimize the all the window and will show desktop –
SystemUtil.Run "C:\Documents and Settings\MDV\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Show Desktop.scf","","","open"
a= window("regexpwndtitle:=Program Manager").WinListView("object class:=SysListView32" ).GetROProperty("all items")
msgbox a
For i =0 to 10
myarray = split(a)
'msgbox myarray
b= trim(myarray(i))
msgbox b

Write a Program to Read items in a Combo Box

For i=1 to Lists-1
Lists =window("regexpwndtitle:=Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("attached text:=Fly From:").GetItem(i)
msgbox lists
if (Lists = Null) Then
Exit for
End if

Write a program to find the x and y coordinates of a button

Dim MyReturn,MyReturn1
MyReturn = Browser(Obj).GetRoPerperty(“X”)
Msgbox Myreturn
MyReturn1 = Browser(Obj).GetRoPerperty(“Y”)
Msgbox MyReturn1