Crypt Object – Encrypt Method
Encrypt the string variable using Encrypt Method Ex: User can use the Password for securities
Pwd = "vinodh"
Cpwd = Crypt.Encrypt (Pwd)
Msgbox Cpwd
Data Table Method
Quick Test have feature to create the multiple test data and stored in the Data Table and handled in the runtime. Scripts will store the temporally in the Data table; User can see the test data in the QT Result window
Addsheet Method
Run time user can add the new sheet with test data
a = Datatable.AddSheet("Vino").AddParameter("Name","Check")
print a
Export Method
Quick Test store the test data value into excel format based on the location
a = Datatable.AddSheet("Vino").AddParameter("Name","Check")
print a
Delete Method
Delete the sheet while running the test data table Index value is :1
a = Datatable.AddSheet("Vino").AddParameter("Name","Check")
print a
ExportSheet Method
Export the specific test data sheet from the runtime data table
Index value is : 1
a = Datatable.AddSheet("Vino").AddParameter("Name","Check")
print a
DataTable.ExportSheet "C:\Vinodh\TestLog.xls",3
GetRowCount Method
Return the total no of the row available in this particular sheet
a = Datatable.AddSheet("Vino").AddParameter("Name","Sona")
print a
ss = Datatable.GetSheet("Vino").GetRowCount
print ss
GetSheet Count Method
Return the number of sheet count available in excel sheet
sheetcount = DataTable.GetSheetCount
print sheetcount