Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Attaching files in Quality center

User can add all type of files uploaded into QC for user reference

Attaching files:-
- click the attachment link
- select the require file from machine
- click ‘open’ button Attached files will be displayed in the below grid for user reference

Attaching URL:-
- click the attachment url link
- Type the require link with format
- Click ‘ok’ button, IE explore format file has attached in the display grid

Capture the Image:-
- click the ‘Capture’ image button
- Capture window has populated in the screen, select require the screen to be capture and click ‘Camera’ link and attached that image and click ‘Attached’ button.

Note:- image captured in .bmp format

Attaching the system information:-
- import system properties information from the user machine

Alert in quality Center

     User can track the requirement changes, test scripts and defects in quality center using the add alert and follow up the flag

Automation notification alert:-
           QC admin can add alert rules, the rules based on requirement, tests and defects. Alert notified the responses in entity level changes.

Follow up Flag:-
     Specific requirement, test suite and defects to remind you to follow the up on the entity and notified the information via mail to the user
- select the requirement and click the flag link
- Add the follow up flag date, description
- Change/ clear button use for clear the flag

Clear History in Quality Center

User can store the log of values in your projects, it can been viewed further, if no longer needed, you can delete the using ‘Tools->Clear History’ function

Note: - you must have proper user profile privileges

Entity: - User can customize the require entity can be selected in the list
Field: - select the field in the elected Entity
Date: - selected date range

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Forget / Reset the QC Password

Reset the QC Password:-

Your can reset the password in quality center for following approach
Note:- verify the user profile has the rights to reset the password
- Logon to Quality center
- Click ‘Tools-->Customize’

- Click ‘User Properties-->change password’ button

- Enter the old password and new password and click ‘Save’ changes

Forget Password:-
User can request the forget password
- load the QC Url
- click ‘Forget Password’
- QC admin will trigger the mail or notification to users for the password

Starting Quality Center

User can lunch the QC on your machine from the Web browser

- Type and load the QC URL like (http:// <:Port>/Qcbin

- Click ‘Quality Center’ Link,

• First time user require Admin rights for install the .net framework and Add-in
• Automatically find and install the .net framework for that machine
- If user assigns any project, then you will get intimation about the username and password
- Enter the Username/Password, then assigned domain/project name select from the list

- Click on ‘Login’ button
- QC Loaded successfully